Salesforce Integration Guide with Fibbler

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This guide connects Fibbler to your salesforce environment. It is the baseline that is required for any more advanced operations. Any further guides assume you've progressed through these steps.

Knowing who's seen your LinkedIn ads makes a world of difference when reaching out to prospective customers. It's one of the cornerstones of Account-Based Marketing (ABM), and a benefit to all your non-ABM outreach efforts as well. Fibbler feeds this data straight into your CRM.

What You Need

  • Fibbler Account: Ensure you have access to Fibbler with CRM Data Sync enabled.
  • LinkedIn Ads Account: Must have read-only permissions.
  • Salesforce Access:
    • Permissions for Accounts and Opportunities.
    • API access and read/write permissions for custom fields.
    • Field History Tracking enabled at the organization level.

Step 1: Connect Salesforce and LinkedIn to Fibbler

Goal and Importance

This step ensures Fibbler can access your LinkedIn Ads data and sync it with Salesforce. By connecting both platforms, you create a direct link that allows Fibbler to push valuable ad engagement metrics into your CRM automatically.

Steps to Access Data Sources

  1. Log into Fibbler
  2. Navigate to Settings > Data Sources:
    • Click the Gear Icon in the top right corner and select "Setup"
    • Salesforce Setup view
    • At the top of the newly opened column, there is a search field. Search for "External Data Sources"
    • Salesforce Setup view
    • Select "External Data Sources"
    • Salesforce Setup view
    • (You can also find this setting by scrolling down to Integrations > External Data Sources)
    • Salesforce external data sources view

Connect LinkedIn Ads

  1. Click "New External Data Source"
  2. Salesforce new external data source view
  3. Set up your new data source with the following:
    • External Data Source: LinkedIn_Ads_Integration
    • Name: LinkedIn_Ads_Integration
    • Type: Simple URL
    • URL:
    • Default External Repository: –leave blank–
    • Large Icon: –leave blank–
    • Small Icon: –leave blank–
    • Identity Type: Named Principal
    • Authentication Protocol: OAuth 2.0
    • Authentication Provider: use your organization's data
    • Scope: Enter the scopes required by LinkedIn Ads API, which define the permissions granted to Salesforce for accessing data. Use the following:
      • r_ads (for accessing LinkedIn Ads data)
      • r_organization_social (for accessing company social data, if needed)
    • Authentication Status: Pending (Pending is fine for now. Once the configuration is complete, Salesforce will handle the OAuth handshake when you Validate and Syncthe External Data Source.)
    • Start Authentication Flow on Save: Check this box to automatically initiate the OAuth flow after you save the External Data Source.
  4. Salesforce new external data source view

Configure Permissions

With read-only permission, Salesforce can read the data from LinkedIn ads without pushing Salesforce data to LinkedIn ads. After creating the External Data Source, Salesforce automatically generates External Objects based on the data available in LinkedIn Ads.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Profiles
  2. Select the profile(s) that require access to the LinkedIn ads data (e.g., System Administrator or any Custom Profile)
  3. In the profile settings:
    • Scroll down to Object Settings
    • Locate the External Objects created (e.g., AdCampaigns__x or Impressions__x)
    • Click on the External Object name to edit permissions
    • Grant Read Access:
      • Ensure only the Read checkbox is selected under Object Permissions
    • Save the changes

Connect Salesforce

  1. Use OAuth to authorize Fibbler to access Salesforce
  2. Choose the sync duration (7, 30, or 90 days)

NOTE: After creating the External Data Source, Salesforce automatically generates External Objects based on the data available in LinkedIn Ads.


Establishes the integration pipeline for syncing LinkedIn Ads data to Salesforce.

Step 2: Setting Up Custom Fields

Goal and Importance

Custom fields store LinkedIn Ads data in Salesforce for each account. These fields make it easy to track clicks, impressions, and engagements across different timeframes. Without these fields, data cannot be synced or displayed in Salesforce.

Option 1: Automated Setup (Recommended)

  1. Enable Data Sync in Fibbler after connecting Salesforce and LinkedIn Ads.
  2. Select the sync duration (7, 30, or 90 days).
  3. Fibbler will:
    • Create custom fields for clicks, impressions, and engagements for each time interval.
    • Configure these fields in the Account object.
  4. Confirm that fields are visible and accessible:
    • Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Account > Fields & Relationships.
    • Verify the fields are created.

Option 2: Manual Setup

Navigate to Salesforce Setup to create a new field:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager
  2. Salesforce object manager view
  3. In the object manager, go to Account
  4. Salesforce account view
  5. In the "Account" view, go to Fields & Relationships
  6. Salesforce fields & relationships view
  7. In the "Fields & Relationships", go to New
  8. Salesforce new view

Create Custom Fields:

  1. Choose Number as the field type. Then click Next.
  2. Salesforce new custom field view
  3. Configure for each field (the yellow marked fields are either standard values or auto-fill based on what's been entered into the red field):
    • Field Label: LinkedIn Clicks 30 Days
    • Field Name: fibbler_linkedin_clicks_30_days (auto-fills based on the Field Label)
    • Salesforce automatically generates the API Name as fibbler_linkedin_clicks_30_days__c from the field name specified. Adding "__c" indicates that this is a custom field.
    • You can verify the field is set up correctly by taking the following steps:
      1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Account > Fields & Relationships
      2. Find the field you just created (LinkedIn Clicks 30 Days) and click on its name
      3. In the Field Definition Detail view, you will see:
        • Field Name: The friendly name used for user-facing purposes (e.g., LinkedIn Clicks 30 Days)
        • API Name: The programmatic identifier used by integrations and the Salesforce API (e.g., fibbler_linkedin_clicks_30_days__c)
        Salesforce field definition detail view
    • Length: 18
    • Decimal Places: 0
    • Salesforce new custom field view
  4. Make sure the custom field is visible for the right profiles. When you're happy with the permissions, click Next.
  5. Salesforce new custom field view
  6. Select all relevant Lightning pages where this field needs to appear. Click Next.
  7. Salesforce new custom field view
  8. Select all page layouts where the custom field should be visible. Click Save & New if you want to create additional fields (such as those listed below). Click Save if you are finished creating custom fields.
  9. Salesforce new custom field view
  10. Repeat this process for:
    • LinkedIn Clicks 7 days
    • LinkedIn Clicks 90 days
    • LinkedIn Impressions (7, 30, and 90 days)
    • LinkedIn Engagements (7, 30, and 90 days)
  11. Verify Field-Level Security

    1. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Account > and click on LinkedIn Clicks 30 days.
    2. Salesforce field-level security view
    3. Go to Set Field-Level Security section and verify the following:
      • Read Access: Ensure profiles that need to view the field (e.g., Sales or Marketing users) have Read access.
      • Edit Access: Ensure the profile or integration user (used for the Fibbler API) has Edit access.
      • Salesforce field-level security view
    4. Make any changes that might be necessary. Click Save.
    5. Salesforce linkedin clicks 30 days field-level security view

    Enable API Access

    1. Navigate to Profiles > Object Settings > Account.
    2. Ensure API permissions allow reading and updating Account fields:
      • API Enabled is checked.
      • The profile has Read and Edit access to your custom field (LinkedIn Clicks/Impressions/Engagements 7/30/90 Days).


Custom fields are configured to receive LinkedIn Ads data.

Step 3: Enabling Custom Field History

Goal and Importance

Salesforce does not store historical data for custom fields unless explicitly configured. Field history tracking is required to capture changes over time. This is a good idea for data that changes regularly and is not directly a part of the sales process. Enabling this is not crucial, but it is good practice to ensure historic data validity and for troubleshooting. If you only want reporting on historic field data, you can skip to step 4 below. Here's how to activate historic data for custom fields:


  1. Navigate to the Object Manager:
    • Click the gear icon in the top-right corner and selectSetup
    • Navigate to the Object Manager
    • This opens the list of objects in your Salesforce org
    • Salesforce object manager view
  2. Select the object where your custom field is located (Account, if you've followed the steps above)
  3. Salesforce object manager view
  4. Go to the Fields & Relationships section
  5. Salesforce fields & relationships view
  6. Click the name of your custom field you want to enable tracking on (e.g., LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days). You might need to scroll down in the list to find it.
  7. Salesforce fields & relationships view
  8. Enable Track Old and New Values on the fields you'd like to track history for (e.g. all the fields you've just created). Click Save.
  9. Salesforce fields & relationships view


  • Ask your administrator to give you Customize Application permissions
  • Ensure Object Settings aren't overriding your user permissions
  • Ensure Field History Tracking is enabled on the Org Level
  • Ensure your under the limit of the total number of tracked fields allowed in your version of Salesforce
  • Click the field name, then ensure Track Field History is enabled (if not, check it and save)
  • Repeat this for other objects if needed.
  • Regardless if you've used the automatic custom field creator (Option 1) or created the fields manually (Option 2), it's still a good idea to ensure Field History Tracking is activated on the relevant fields.


    This step ensures Salesforce records changes in this field for reporting purposes. We highly recommend you activate this so you can track progress over time. It's not strictly crucial for documenting.

    Step 4: Tracking Field History with a Custom Object

    Goal and Importance

    Salesforce stores historical data in a text format. This means that raw historic data can't be used to plot value changes over time, which requires data stored in a numeric format. To achieve this, we need to create a custom object that links historic data (text) to a parent account and presents data as a numeric data that can be used in reports and dashboards. Enabling this is not crucial, but it is required to generate reports that show field progress over time. Here is how:


    1. Create a Custom Object forHistorical Data

    1. Navigate to the Object Manager:
      • Click the gear icon in the top-right corner and selectSetup
      • Navigate to the Object Manager This opens the list of objects in your Salesforce org.
      • Salesforce object manager view
    2. Create a new Custom Object by clicking Create and selecting Custom Object
    3. Salesforce custom object view
    4. Fill Out The Form:
      • Label: Weekly LinkedIn Impression History
      • Plural Label: Weekly LinkedIn Impression Histories
      • Object Name: Weekly_LinkedIn_Impression_History This is autopopulated based on the label you've entered
      • Description: Numeric value of historic data on LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days. Used in reports and dashboards. Add a descriptive text so you and others know what this field does when you review your salesforce environment at later dates.
      • Salesforce new custom object view

    NOTE: The yellow banner means that when you've created this custom object, no user category (including admins) has permission to edit it. To change this, you'll need to edit user permissions in salesforce. This guide will proceed as if permissions are correctly set up. If you want more information on how to change permissions.

    Scroll down and continue filling out the form:

    • Record Name: Weekly_LinkedIn_Impression_History
    • Data Type: Auto Number This is suitable for values meant to be read by systems rather than people and for fields where we expect several values in a series (and each gets a unique identifier). Both of these criteria fit what we are trying to achieve.
    • Display Format: LI-IMP-W-{0001} This is how the value will be stored. This format shows the value is associated with LinkedIn (LI), Impressions (IMP), Weekly (W). You can set this to anything, but it's recommended to keep a name that makes it easy to understand the variable in the future.
    • Starting Number: 0001 This ensures a 4-digit number string (allowing for over 76 years of operations) that gives each value a uniquely identifiable name. The first value will be LI-IMP-W-0001 and each subsequent weekly update will increase the number value by 1. This keeps 0000 as a potential null value for future reference.

    Optional Features: tick the following boxes

    • Allow Reports - ENABLED - This ensures the newly created object can be used in Reports (which is the goal of the object)
    • Allow Activities - ENABLED- This enables associating tasks & events with these records.
    • Track Field History - ENABLED- This is required if we want to monitor changes over time (whish is the goal of the object)

    Object Classification: tick the following boxes

    • Allow Sharing - ENABLED - This allows visibility to be managed by sharing, potentially making it easier to work with.
    • Allow Bulk API Access - ENABLED - This allows for handling large volumes of data import / exports.
    • Allow Streaming API Access - ENABLED - This allows for real-time data updates when integrating the custom object with other systems.
    • Deployment Status: Deployed
    • Allow Search: If you want users to search for individual weekly values manually, allow it. Else leave it unchecked. This can always be changed later Your view should look like this: // ... existing code ...
    • Salesforce new custom object view

      Click Save or Save & New if you want to repeat the process for other fields, such as LinkedIn Engagements or LinkedIn Clicks.

      Salesforce new custom object view

      You've successfully created the Weekly LinkedIn Impression History custom object. From here, you'll need to continue by completing the following steps to automate data entry, and ensure you can use the object in reports. This guide assumes you've set up permissions correctly in Salesforce.

      Create fields for historic data in the newly created Weekly LinkedIn Impression History custom object

      Navigate to Object Manager:

      1. Go to Setup, search for Object Manager, and click on it.
      2. Select the Weekly LinkedIn Impression History object from the list (or the name you've used for the object). the list (or the name you've used for the object).
      3. Salesforce object manager view

      Go to Fields & Relationships and create the following new fields:

      Salesforce fields & relationships view
      1. Account - Should be a Lookup Relationship field to the Account object
      1. Select Lookup relationship. Click Next.
      2. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      3. In the Related To dropdown list select Account. Click Next.
      4. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      5. Create a Field Label and a Field Name for this new field. This autopopulates, and I've left the default values. Add a short Description of the field for easier navigation. Tick the Required box. Finally, ensure the Child Relationship Name is the same as the custom object you want to associate this field with (green outline). Click Next.
      6. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      7. If you want custom Visibility for this field, edit that here. In this guide we're keeping default values. ClickNext.
      8. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      9. Configure the Layout. We're keeping default values. ClickNext.
      10. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      11. If relevant, add Custom Related Lists. We're keeping default values. Click Save & New to create the next custom field in this guide (only click Save if you're done here).
      12. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      2. Date - Should be a Date field for storing timestamps for each record
      1. As this field will need custom dependencies, we'll select Formula as the data type. Click Next.
      2. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      3. Enter a Field Label that aligns with the goal of the field. We've chose Data Entry Date. Select Date as the Formula Return Type. Click Next.
      4. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      5. Create the Custom Formula in the Data Entry Date (Date) field. Use this formula: DATEVALUE(LastModifiedDate)
      6. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      7. Make sure to click the Check Syntax to ensure you've correctly written the formula. It should return green text. If it doesn't go back and modify the formula until the syntax is correct.
      8. Add a short Description to make future work with this field easier. Click Next.
      9. If you want custom Visibility for this field, edit that here. In this guide we're keeping default values. ClickNext.
      10. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      11. Configure the Layout. We're keeping default values. Click Save & New to create the next custom field in this guide (only click Save if you're done here).
      12. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      3. LinkedIn Impressions 7 days (Numeric) - Should be a Number field for storing the numeric value of weekly LinkedIn Impressions
      1. Scroll down in the list of available fields, and selectNumber. Click Next.
      2. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      3. Set the following details for the custom field:
        • Field Label: LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days Numeric
        • Keep Length at 18 and Decimal Places at 0. Length can be reduced (you'll likely not have more than millions of views), but 18 is the standard value. You'll never have fractional views, so decimal points aren't necessary.
        • Add a helpful Description and Help Text.
        • Keep the following boxes unticked:
          • Required - This will be updated through an automatic flow and not through human action, so no need to require this field.
          • Unique - Two or more accounts can have the same number of views in any given week, meaning this number shouldn't be unique.
          • External ID - This field will be updated through a Salesforce automation, meaning no external data needs to be processed.
        • Tick the following box:
          • Auto add to custom report type - This box ensures the field is available for reports, which is the point of the field.
        • Set the Default Value to 0. If no views are added, we want that represented.
        • Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      4. Click Next.
      5. If you want custom Visibility for this field, edit that here. In this guide we're keeping default values. Click Next.
      6. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view
      7. Configure the Layout. We're keeping default values. Click Save (If you want to create the new custom fields click Save & New to keep going.).
      8. Salesforce LinkedIn impression history view

      Now we've created the Custom Object with the Custom Fields we need to proceed to generate trackable data over time.

      This final step ties it all together by creating aRecord-Triggered Flow that will automatically create a newWeekly LinkedIn Impression History record when the LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days field on theAccount object is updated. Here's how:

      Create a New Flow

      1. Open the Flow Builder. Click the Gear Icon. Select Setup. Search for Flows and click it.
      2. Salesforce flow view
      3. Click New Flow.
      4. Salesforce flow view
      5. Select Start From Scratch to ensure we have full control of the flow creation process. Click Next.
      6. Salesforce new flow view
      7. Select Record Triggered Flow and click Next. You might need to scroll down in the list to find this flow type.
      8. Salesforce select type

      Configure the Trigger

      Here's how to configure the flow that automatically updates the Weekly LinkedIn Impressions Numeric custom object every time the LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days field is updated by Fibbler:

      • Object - Set this to Account (since the flow will monitor the LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days field on the Account object).
      • Trigger the Flow When - Set this to A Record is Created Or Updated. (the flow should run when an Account is updated or populated for the first time).
      • Set Entry Conditions - Set Condition Requirements to All Conditions Are Met (AND). This isn't strictly necessary, as we'll only use one condition. Define the condition as follows:
        • Field - LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days
        • Operator - Is Changed
        • Value - Leave blank (This operator doesn't need a value to achieve our goal)
      • Optimize the Flow For - select Actions and Related Records (this allows the flow to create a related record in the custom object).
      • Salesforce flow builder

      Save the Initial Flow Configuration

      1. Click Save in the top right corner, and fill out the prompt box with the following:
        • Flow Label - Create Weekly LinkedIn Impression Records
        • Flow API Name - Create_Weekly_LinkedIn_Impression_Records (Autopopulated from flow name)
        • Description - This Flow creates a new Weekly LinkedIn Impression History record whenever the LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days field on an Account is updated. It stores historic data for generating a line graph of impressions over time.
      2. Click Save.
      3. Salesforce save flow

      Define the Action

      1. Now that we've set the trigger, it's time to define theaction to take when triggered. Click the + symbol in the field on the left (highlighted in the screenshot above)
      2. Search for and select Create Record from the dropdown menu. (This makes it so each time LinkedIn Impressions 7 days is updated, a new record is created that saves the new value together with a timestamp.We don't want to modify records, as we want new entries for each recorded change.)
      3. Salesforce save flow
      4. Populate the fields in the Create Records step:
        • Label - Create Weekly LinkedIn Impression History
        • API Name - Create_Weekly_Impression_History (autopopulated)
        • Description - Automatic flow that updates the Weekly LinkedIn Impression History custom object when LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days are updated on the parent account. This enables storing historic fields as numeric data and allows generating reports and dashboards from that data.
        • How to set record fields value - From a Record Variable
        • How Many Records To Create - One (Only use one here, as even if multiple instances of this flow will engage when new data is pushed through the Fibbler API, each instance only creates one record)
        • Salesforce save flow

      Create a New Resource Variable

      1. Click the Record search bar. Select New Resource.
      2. Salesforce flow create resource
      3. Select Variable as the Resource Type.
      4. Salesforce flow create resource
      5. Populate the fields:
        • API Name - NewWeeklyImpressionRecord
        • Description - New Weekly Impression Record for historic documentation purposes of LinkedIn_Impressions_7_Days
        • Data Type - Record
        • Object - Weekly LinkedIn Impression History (Weekly_LinkedIn_Impression_History__C)
        • Leave all check boxes unchecked. There are 2 check boxes hidden behind the object drop-down in the screenshot. They are unchecked by default, and should remain unchecked.
        • Click Done
        • Salesforce flow create resource

      Next stage is to define the Assignment element in the flow. The purpose of this step is to populate the NewWeeklyImpressionRecord variable with the required field values (e.g., Account ID, LinkedIn Impressions, Date). Here's how:

      1. Click the + between the Record Triggered Flow starting point and the Create Record stage we just created.
      2. Salesforce flow assignment
      3. Search for and select Assignment
      4. Salesforce flow assignment
      5. Populate the assignment fields:
        • Label - Assign Field Values to Record
        • API Name - Assign_Field_Values_to_Record
        • Description - Populate the NewWeeklyImpressionRecord variable with field values such as Account ID, LinkedIn Impressions (converted to numeric), and the current date to create a new Weekly LinkedIn Impression History record
        • Salesforce flow assignment

      Set Variable Rules - Now, we'll assign values to the NewWeeklyImpressionRecord variable fields This requires 3 rules. Click the + Add Assignment button until you have space for the 3 rules required.

      Salesforce flow assignment rules

      Now we'll define each assignment:

      Assign the Account ID
      1. In the first line of rules, in the Variable column, search for NewWeeklyImpressionRecord and click the > button next to the correct resource.
      2. Salesforce flow assignment account selection
      3. Select Account.
      4. Salesforce flow account selection
      5. Leave the Operator as Equals.
      6. Set the Value to Triggering Account and click the > button.
      7. Salesforce flow triggering account
      8. Select Account ID in the list of options. Note that you might need to search or scroll down the list to find this option.
      9. Salesforce flow account ID selection
      Assign the LinkedIn Impressions Value
      1. In the second line of rules, in the Variable column, search for NewWeeklyImpressionRecord and click the > button next to the correct resource. Select LinkedIn Impressions 7 Days Numeric, as created above in this guide.
      2. Salesforce flow LinkedIn impressions selection
      3. Leave the Operator field as Equals.
      4. In the dropdown list for the Value field, select + New Resource. Now we'll create a resource that converts a text value to the numeric value to populate the reports with.
      5. Salesforce flow new resource
      6. Select Formula.
      7. Salesforce flow formula selection
      8. Fill out the prompt box for the new formula resource with the following:
        • Resource Type - Formula
        • API Name - LinkedInImpressions7DaysValue
        • Description - Formula to store LinkedIn Impressions (7 Days) in a numeric value for historical tracking.
        • Data Type - Number
        • Decimal Points - 0
        • Formula - {!$Record.fibbler_linkedin_impressions_7_days__c}
        When everything is filled out correctly, click Done.
      9. Salesforce flow formula configuration
      10. Select the newly created formula
      11. Salesforce flow formula selection
      Assign the Current Date
      1. In the third line of rules, in the Variable column, search for NewWeeklyImpressionRecord and click the > button next to the correct resource. Select Data Entry Date, as created above in this guide.
      2. Salesforce flow date entry selection
      3. Leave the Operator field as Equals.
      4. In the dropdown list for the Value field, select + New Resource. Now we'll create a resource that makes an entry of the current date, to generate timestamps of when the flow has run (i.e. when the object is updated).
      5. Salesforce flow new date resource
      6. Fill out the prompt box for the new formula resource with the following:
        • Resource Type - Formula
        • API Name - CurrentDate
        • Description - Formula to get the current date for use in assigning the data entry date.
        • Data Type - Date
        • Formula - TODAY()
        Click Done.
      7. Salesforce flow date formula configuration
      8. Set the Value field to the formula CurrentDate created above.
      9. Salesforce flow current date selection

      Now we're finished with the Assignment. Ensure the rules look like the following:

      Salesforce flow final assignment rules

      At this stage we can close the Assignment field by clicking the X in the top right corner. Ensure there is a line connecting the start of the flow to the Assignment, there's a line connecting the Assignment with the Create Records, and there is a line connecting the Create Records to the End (green boxes in the screenshot below). If there aren't any lines, hover your mouse over a node without a line and drag-and-drop the line to the correct next step. Save the flow when you're done, and click Debug. If there are no errors, click Run to activate the flow.

      Salesforce flow final view

      NOTE: Repeat this process for LinkedIn Engagements 7 Days & LinkedIn Clicks 7 Days.


      You've now created custom objects that automatically store LinkedIn ads data through the automatic Fibbler API feed.

    Step 5: Creating a Report Type (Template) To Visualize LinkedIn Ad Results over Time

    Goal and Importance

    This step creates a Report Type to be used as a template for tracking LinkedIn ad performance. By creating a Report Type rather than individual reports, you make it easier for people within your organization to create reports that are useful to them in their day-to-day.


    1. Go to Setup by clicking theGear Icon (⚙️) in the top-right corner and selecting Setup.
    2. Salesforce flow setup
    3. Search for and click on Report Types.
    4. Salesforce flow report types
    5. Click the New Custom Report Type button at the top-right.
    6. Salesforce flow new custom report type
    7. Define the Custom Report Type by filling out the prompt box with the following:
      • Primary Objective - Accounts
      • Display Label - Accounts with Weekly LinkedIn Impression History
      • API Name - Accounts_with_Weekly_LinkedIn_Impression_History
      • Description - A report that shows Impressions on LinkedIn ads over time, sorted on account level.
      • Store in Category - Other Reports
      • Status - Deployed
    8. Click Next when done.
    9. Salesforce flow next
    10. Now we want to associate the Accounts object with the newly created LinkedIn Impression Histories object. Click(Click to relate another object).
    11. Salesforce flow relate another object
    12. Search for and click Weekly LinkedIn Impression Histories. Select Each "A" record must have at least one related "B" record. Ensure the title of the B record is Weekly LinkedIn Impression Histories (green box).
    13. Click Save.
    14. Salesforce flow done

      Click Done. Congratulations, you've now created a custom report type for LinkedIn Impressions over time! Repeat the process with LinkedIn Engagements and LinkedIn Clicks, with their each individual custom objects.

      Salesforce flow completion

    Final Notes

    Congratulations, you've set up your Salesforce environment to both automatically receive LinkedIn Ad Performance Data from Fibbler and to make reports that visualize said data over time.

    Here are some final things to consider:

    Fibbler Data Security:

    • All data is encrypted using TLS during transmission.
    • Offline access tokens are securely stored with AES encryption.

    Maintain Accounts:

    • Regularly review Salesforce Accounts to ensure domain matching accuracy.

    Do you have any questions? Send us a message at

    Written by
    Carl Wilhelm Hagander

    Chief Revenue Officer @ ReSocialize